Author & animal communicator, but still a teacher at heart
Above all else, I'm a teacher, and always will be.
This is an old photo of me, and it isn't what I look like now. But the background color works with the website theme, and I couldn't find an image that would show the relationship between the classes I teach on How to Communicate With Animals and How to Write Sizzling Sex Scenes. Because the only common denominator was... well... me.
Before I started writing romance novels, before I realized that the telepathic connection with animals I'd had as a kid wasn't something everybody experienced, I was a teacher. I taught ballet for ten years, and my first published novel, Angel Falls, is built on the foundation of my knowledge of teaching ballet in a small southern town. After ten years as a ballet teacher and young entrepreneur, I realized that I needed something with a schedule that would allow me to spend time with my son, who would soon be entering kindergarten. So, I went back to school and obtained a master's degree in early childhood education so I could teach first grade in the public school system. Teaching kids to dance, to read, or to appreciate the value of their individuality has always been one of my greatest joys in life.
I love being a beginner. I love to learn dance moves I've never tried. I love to learn new skills, and new ways of being a unique individual flame in the fire of human consciousness. And all the while I'm learning that next new thing, I'm thinking, "I could SO teach others how to do this!" I'm an eager and voracious student, but an even-better teacher, because we teach best what we had to work hard to learn, and I've never been a "natural" at anything. I enjoy sharing what I learn with others, because I believe we should all spend our lives standing on the precipice with one hand up to reach for the next thing, and one hand down to pull someone else up behind us.

Classes about writing
At some point, I realized that I have a knack for writing love scenes that are packed with not-only the kind of physical description that makes you want to lock yourself in the bedroom for an hour, but also the emotional punch that makes you feel like your heart is being twisted into knots right along with the fictional characters you're reading about. When one of the love scenes I wrote in Angel Falls won the 2012 Vixen award long before the book was published, I added that bit of validation to the pile. But it wasn't until my critique partners nagged me into it that I accepted the fact that, hey, I can teach people how to write sizzling, sexy love scenes. Because you know, it's not that hard once you get a handle on what works, and what doesn't. So the first class I taught about writing was titled, "Everything you always wanted to know about writing sex scenes but were afraid to ask." To learn about this and other writing classes, click below:

Classes about animal communication
I teach introductory classes about animal communication that give people a taste of what it's about, and what it's like to communicate with animals. It's a fun, hour-long seminar that I can present to your group or gathering. With an added hour (or few), attendees can bring photos of their own animal family members for me to connect with during the presentation. And, those who want to try animal communication for themselves can connect-in too, with my help.
A few times each year, I teach day-long animal communication workshops here at Dragonfly Pond Farm. Specific workshops are offered for any level of experience, and limited space is available for out-of-town attendees to lodge in the guest house overnight or for the weekend. Attendees get a comprehensive learning experience along with plenty of practice with the animals on the farm.
Classes about creativity, art, manifesting, and more
Whether we intend to or not, we are always creating. We're creating ourselves, we're creating our experiences, and we're creating our lives. Everything's connected to everything else, and when we shift one paradigm, we shift them all. Art is a way of excavating our experiences, mining them for meaning, and using that raw material to produce something new and relevant that has the power to change ourselves and the world around us. Whether the medium is dance, writing, art, communication, or something else, I teach people how to begin with themselves, then spread that energy outward to enrich their lives, their families, and their communities. My focus as a teacher is on helping my students craft an external expression of their inner landscape, and build that into the foundation of who and what they may become.

Manifesting your life
Learn to use meditation, creative visualization, vision boarding, and ceremony to manifest the life you want. In this class, we use meditation to uncover our deepest desires, creative visualization to make them real in our consciousness, vision boarding to create a tangible, symbolic representation of our desires, and ceremony to telegraph our intentions to the universe. It's a powerful way to become a co-conspirator with the universe instead of waiting for life to happen.

Shamanic Journeying, mediation, and healing
Shamanic Journeying is a powerful meditation and healing modality. This class is offered on its own, or as part of the intermediate animal communication class. Either way, you'll learn how to conduct a Shamanic Journey for yourself or others, how to retrieve parts of the self that have been lost due to trauma, how to recognize and invite our spirit animals to become a part of us, and how to use Journeying as a healing modality for the body, mind, and spirit.