How to Clean a Burnt/Scalded Pot

Welp, my stainless steel cookware has noticed that I’m writing again! Hans loves to say, “Where in the recipe does it say to walk away from the stove and start doing something else?”

I don’t know about that recipe, but here’s one for cleaning a stainless steel pot that’s been abused by a neglectful author who allows boiled-dry potatoes to burn to a crisp.

Step One: scrape out everything that comes out easily.

Step Two: Add a generous squirt of Dawn dishwashing liquid and fill the pot with enough water to cover the burned areas.

Step Three: Bring the water and Dawn mixture to a low boil while scraping at the burned-on food with a metal spatula.
As the water boils, the food will begin to release; so keep scraping until the pot feels smooth.

Step Four: Let the pot cool before pouring the yucky burned-food water down the disposal,
then use a scrubber sponge or Magic Eraser or Brillo pad to finish the job.

(All of this takes less time than actually watching the potatoes cook properly would’ve done.)

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