Author Spotlight – Lisa Miller

I know that a lot of my newsletter readers are interested in the writing process, and many are writers too, so I’m delighted to introduce y’all to Lisa Miller, who teaches story structure in a way that makes plotting accessible, … Read More

Conversation with a Beta Dog

In a pack of dogs that live with humans, the dog who’s been in the family the longest is often the alpha—the most beloved by both dogs and humans. After all, they’ve been there longer and have shared more experiences … Read More

Conversation with a Babysitter Dog

I often get to do animal communication for people who are about to become parents and are wondering whether their beloved animal companion will accept the little human newcomer. My personal opinion is that most animal companions will love and … Read More

Binge Worthy Popcorn

Popcorn for bingeing your favorite shows on Netflix while the rainy-bad-cold weather can still justify it!  Since I’ve learned that I’m allergic to just about everything, I’ve had to cut out–among other things–dairy. I’m also allergic to soy, which a … Read More

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Babette de Jongh