It’s Not Always What You Think It Is

When I do a communication session for a client’s animal, it often happens that the questions I’m given assume something that isn’t so. When I was asked to communicate with an anxious dog who always horned in on any affection that was being given to the other dog in the family, the question was, “Why are you jealous?”

To begin the remote session, I looked at the photo of the dog and stared into her eyes. Then, I closed my eyes and imagined the dog walking up and sitting in front of me. (When we make eye contact, I know that I’m connected.) This dog came right up to me and leaned against me. I knew that she was ready to communicate. Some animals will send verbal information—it’s just like they’re talking to me and we’re having a conversation. Others communicate by sending images, or by allowing me to feel what they feel.

This dog showed me that what seemed like jealousy was a need for reassurance. She wanted to be at the center of any affection that was being given to anyone—human or animal. Being touched made her feel safe.

The next question was why she licked her humans all the time. She showed me that licking was how she showed her love and appreciation.

Her humans also wanted to know how they could make her feel less anxious when they left her alone. They put her in a crate whenever they had to go away, but they wondered if she’d do better if they left her loose in the house.

She showed me an image of herself shivering in fear when they locked her in the crate, because she knew that meant they were about to leave her alone. The only thing that kept her from flinging herself against the sides of the crate was the knowledge that it would do no good (because she’d tried it before). She also showed me that letting her out of the crate when they weren’t home would only increase her anxiety, because she would wind herself up by running around searching for a way out.

I asked what she would do if she could get out of the house when left alone, and she showed that she would run and keep running until she couldn’t run any more. She didn’t want to run away, but she was so anxious and frightened that whenever she was left alone, her rational mind shut off, and her natural inclination was to run in fear.

It was a good thing that her human family obeyed their instinct to put her in a crate whenever they left her alone. If they’d left her loose in the house as they were considering doing, they’d have come home to a disaster. Or, she’d have rushed through the door as they were leaving and run away before they could catch her.

This seems like an impossible situation with no solution, especially because talking and reason does little good in the face of extreme fear. But luckily, energy healing usually does the trick, and it worked in this case, too. The next time I connected in with the dog, she showed an image of herself waiting patiently in the crate, then leaning against her human when they came home and let her out. They were eventually able to leave her loose in the house with no problems.

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