Okay, first of all, stop being so dramatic. That’s your cat’s job.
Your cat doesn’t hate you. If they’re indifferent, then you’re in trouble. But if they hate / love you, you’re okay.
Yes, cats can be drama queens. The least little thing can have them hissing, scratching, and biting not only the subject of their ire, but anyone and everyone else within reach. Cats definitely know how to make a point. They can be hateful, but it doesn’t mean they hate you. And I hesitate to say this, because I know you don’t want to hear it, but it’s true: Cats can be loving—usually to elicit reciprocal affection—but it doesn’t mean they love you. If you want steadfast love and devotion and loyalty, get a dog. Cats are mercurial, and they tend to veer from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. Living with a cat is like dating a movie star. It’s gonna be all-drama all the time, and you’ll have to be comfortable with being an angel one minute, and a devil the next. If you’re looking for stability and serenity, like I said, get a dog. (For the serenity part, get an older dog. They’re super chill.)
That doesn’t mean that cat stewardship is without benefit. I have a bunch of cats myself, so I love them too. I’m not trying to discourage you from getting or keeping a cat. I’m just trying to be honest and pragmatic. Here are ten great reasons to adopt a cat:
- Kittens are just so dang cute that you can’t resist them. They brighten your home and your life. They skitter and scatter all over the place, disrupting everything you thought you held dear in the most charming way. You realize that you didn’t really need those priceless Hummel figurines that you didn’t have time to dust anyway.
- Cats are soft and cuddly (when their claws aren’t out). They’ll bring your blood pressure down better than prescription medicine ever could.
- Kittens—and even some grown cats—like to play, and they’re fun to play with. If you need distraction from stressful thoughts, cats will provide it.
- Kittens and cats are easy to train. Litter box training is a simple matter of providing a clean box full of litter and showing it to them once.
- Cats are innately clean. Most cats never need a bath other than the ones they give themselves.
- Cats are independent. They don’t need (or even want) as much interaction as dogs. Give them a litter box, food, and water, and you can even spend the night away from home without worrying about them. If you want to travel, you can get away with hiring someone to come in once a day to clean the litter box, give fresh food and water, and play with them for a few minutes. Cats are great for people who want an animal companion but still want to keep a measure of independence for themselves.
- A cat’s purr is a healing frequency. Make them happy, and they’ll do their part to keep you healthy.
- Ummmm…..
- Okay, I guess I could only come up with 7 great reasons to adopt a cat.
- But I really do love cats. And I know you do too, so let’s talk further about determining why your cat may seem to hate you, even when they don’t.
Unless you’re an animal communicator (or you know one who can ask your cat what’s going on), you can use your powers of observation and a little knowledge of cat behavior to figure out why your cat isn’t being as much of a creampuff as you’d prefer. Here are ten reasons your cat might be acting more prickly than usual, with likely reasons for their behavior:
- Your cat is peeing outside the litter box. Why?
- They have a urinary tract infection. A potential UTI requires a vet visit. Please get it done before peeing outside the litter box becomes a habit.
- They have some other health issue that they want you to know about so you will take them to the vet. Please take them to the vet.
- They’re pissed-off about something you’ve done (or not done). If you’re honest with yourself, you probably know what it is. If the vet says they’re fine, then you’re the problem. Cats are sensitive and intuitive souls. As the sensitive symptom-bearers in your multi-species family, if anyone is out of balance, your cat will let you know.
- Your cat is peeing on your personal items… it’s almost like they’re doing it on purpose. Why?
- They are doing it on purpose. You’ve taken them to the vet and ruled out any physical issues. But they’re still doing it, only now they’ve peed on your pillow. You’ve really pissed them off this time. It’s past time to figure out what you’ve done wrong and rectify the situation.
- Your cat is peeing on someone else’s personal items. Why?
- Get rid of that person with all due speed. They’re bad for you, and your cat knows it. If you gave birth to that person, you need to teach them how to respect cats.
- Your cat elicits petting, then after purring and acting like they enjoy it, they turn around and bite you. Why?
- They wanted petting, but either you did it wrong, or you did it for too long, or you concentrated on one spot when they wanted you to pet a different spot. Read the room. Get with the program.
- They’re just done. You petted them enough already, but seriously, you need to know when to stop. Your cat doesn’t have a safe word. They only have claws and teeth.
- They have sensitive skin. They want to be petted, because they know that’s how you show affection, but it actually hurts their skin when you touch them. Try stroking them so lightly that you barely touch their fur. Or maybe even skim your hand just above their fur. Some of their skin sensitivity may come from emotional trauma they suffered at the hands of humans. Energy healing can help with this.
- Your cat is hiding from you. Why?
- Something is going on at your house that is stressing them out. Yelling kids, the company of people they don’t know, a new critter you’ve allowed into their space. Whatever it is, fix it. Just fix it. If you can’t fix it, leave them alone to hunker under the bed until the whole ordeal is over.
- You’re doing something they wish you’d quit doing. Giving medication they’d rather not take, coaxing them to eat something they don’t want to eat, generally making a nuisance of yourself. Again, just quit. You might want them to be healthy and well-fed, but what do they want? Have you ever considered that?
- Your cat is doing its best to streak out the door whenever you open it. Why?
- Just let them go outside already. You might be worried about the traffic on the road or the birds they’ll kill given the slightest chance. But you can just get over yourself. Let them out to determine their own fate—and the fate of the birds in the neighborhood.
- Your cat loves to sit up high (or hunker down low) and attack you whenever you walk past. Why?
- Cats need to practice their hunting skills, and you need to be a better prey surrogate. Heads’ up! Pay attention!
- Why don’t you know how to play? What’s wrong with you? You need to learn how to play. Maybe you need to buy better toys. Cats need exercise and entertainment. You’re failing at providing both. Do better.
- Cats are a$$holes. Nothing you can do about that. Sorry. You just need to learn how to deal with the reality of the situation.
- Your cat cozies up to your neighbor and gives you the cold shoulder. Why?
- Cats are good at voting with their feet. If your neighbor is your cat’s favorite person, just let the cat go and live with your neighbor. Stop being such a stingy jealous so-and-so. Let your cat be happy.
- Your cat brings dead (or almost dead) birds, lizards, etc. into the house. Why?
- Because they want to give homage to their leader and share the bounty they’ve managed to catch and contribute to the collective benefit of their pride.
- Because they can more easily capture and play with their prey between four walls than they can out in the open.
- Your cat hisses at you no matter what you do. Why?
- Sometimes you just need to be messed with. Luckily you have a cat for that.
I hope this helps you figure out why your cat may be torturing you to make you straighten up and fly right. This article only skims the surface of the issues that may be at play in your situation. You can find more specific pointers on your cat’s behavior on my website, and I hope you’ll visit soon: www.babettedejongh.com. Once you get there, you can join my online community to ask questions and connect with others who care about their critters as much as you do. I also teach online and virtual classes on telepathic animal communication, so you‘ll never have to wonder what your cat is thinking and why they act the way they do. Just sign up for my newsletter so you’ll find out about the next class before it fills up.